With virtual support options, distance can be our friend. Let me support you in your journey, no matter how far apart we live. Contact me for a class coupon and sign up today.
In this one time class, students will make a creative book, choose a theme, draw pictures, and write simple text to have fun with learning.
Does your writing curriculum need a boost? Is your child in need of some encouragement and support? Well, I am here to help. I truly love teaching students to learn to love to write. The virtual platform is just as effective as in person, so sign up today!
In these individualized sessions that are offered virtually, children will improve reading academic skills through practicing foundational skills to make them successful readers and writers. I utilize research-based, effective strategies and have a proven track record with student success. I make positive connections with students in a supportive, encouraging learning environment.
I am a certified Reading Specialist and have many years of experience evaluating students' reading levels and diagnosing learning strengths and deficits. I develop specialized lessons tailored to each child's needs. Teaching children to read and write effectively is a true passion of mine!